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8 Daily Use Tips of Ink Printing Press for Corrugated Boxes

Correct use method of corrugated box ink printing machine

1. Before the printing machine is used, it is necessary to wear the special high-speed printing machine clothing. When the main machine is working, the small accessories on the clothing worn by people fall on the machine.

2. Before turning on the high-speed printing machine, observe whether the machine oil is sufficient and whether the surrounding switches are loose.

3. After the high-speed printing press is started, don’t be busy starting work. First, listen to whether the machine has noise. If there is noise, it indicates where the machine is loose.

4. After starting to work, it is necessary to remove the surrounding debris that will affect the machine to prevent the staff from accidentally pushing the debris over and damaging the machine.

5. After the machine starts to work, it is forbidden to touch the machine again. Especially by pressing the machine switch, this will damage the internal parts of the machine during work.

6. The high-speed printing press needs to have special openers next to it at work, and how to deal with other situations.

7. After the high-speed printing machine has finished printing, the machine must be cleaned. Then wipe the surroundings of the machine with a clean cloth, and the power supply needs to be cut off.

8. When the high-speed printing press is not in use, a special protective cover should be used to cover the machine to prevent the machine from malfunctioning due to dust blowing in.

Post time: Dec-11-2021