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Equipment safety management


Corrugated box enterprises should attach great importance to equipment safety management, troubleshooting and eliminating equipment safety risks. General enterprises carry out safety inspection on the equipment, but many enterprise equipment safety protection Settings on the equipment can not play a role in one hundred percent, only part of the effect, after the damage is mostly equipment operators put forward requirements to repair, there are serious safety risks. Corrugated carton, therefore, enterprises must improve the management level, strengthen the planning, implementation of equipment accident avoided measures and inspection, establish and improve the responsibility system for equipment operation, equipment operating procedures and maintenance regulations, system of equipment maintenance, equipment inspection system and equipment succession system and other rules and regulations and practical to carry out timely found potential accidents, the accident in the bud, To avoid equipment accidents, to ensure that the equipment safety protection Settings are in a usable state, without equipment safety risks.

Post time: Jul-12-2021