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Ink printing operation procedures: ink printing techniques

[ink printer] ink printer operation procedures ink printer printing skills

Ink printing machine operating procedures

I. Machine inspection work

1. Carry out the following routine inspection on the machine;

(1) Check whether there are other items in the unit and the workbench.

(2) Check whether the oil level is normal.

(3) wipe and check whether the plate is damaged.

(4) Running the machine to check the sound.

(5) Each lubrication point must be oiled once.

2. Understand the running status of the equipment and check the sound of the running machine.

2. Production preparation

1. Check the handover record;

2. After receiving the production order, first check whether the order is correct, understand the process requirements, production quantity and matters needing attention of the products to be produced, and mark the live parts printed in two shifts on the printing surface so as to trace the quality problems.

3. Prepare raw and auxiliary materials according to the specified sheet.

4. Read the product list carefully to understand whether the product has special requirements, such as:

(1) whether online glazing is required;

(2) whether die cutting and die cutting requirements;

(3) whether the printing color sequence is required;

(4) verify whether it is first printed or first touched line;

2. Check the production of board to see whether batch printing is needed to avoid defective products; (It is strictly prohibited to sit on the cardboard or press it by hand, in order to avoid local sag and affect printing)

3. Set the ink quantity and ink viscosity according to the printing color in advance;

4, correct adjustment of machine pressure, printing speed, slotting position, reasonable arrangement of color sequence.

Operation specification in production

1. Start paper feeding, produce one or two pieces of cardboard, and start mass production after passing inspection.

2. Check the following aspects of the packing case according to the approved draft or approved sample:

(1) Position of text and text;

(2) on the position;

(3) box size;

(4) Whether the pictures and texts are complete

3, check the text and text to adopt the following methods:

(1) Off-script check (off the signed draft) read through line by line; Avoid mistakes in the signature draft itself;

(2) according to the signed draft or sample inspection;

4. In the production process, spot check at any time to see whether there is a run, whether there is a color difference, whether the text is clear and short, whether there is a burr or tear on the slotting forming edge, whether the lid is laminated, whether the pressing line is correct, and whether the pressure is appropriate. Quality problems should be handled in time, and defects should be marked to facilitate the subsequent process to check them out.

5. Board loading Staff shall strictly check and control the quality of board during the process of board loading. If any bad board is found, such as blister, bending, exposed tile and tear, it shall be detected for other use.

6. If the following problems are found, the machine shall be shut down immediately:

(1) there is a large color difference and no ink phenomenon;

(2) image defect or printing plate problems;

(3) the printing surface is dirty;

(4) Machine failure;

7. Observe the machine at any time during production and guarantee in time.

8. If the material problems cannot be solved on the spot, the production shall be stopped, and the quality inspector shall be reported to the relevant departments to solve the problems and prepare for the follow-up production.

Operation specification after production

1. Place the printed qualified product and the product to be inspected separately, and mark clearly.

2. The captain arranges personnel to clean and maintain the machine according to the “Machine Maintenance System”.

3. Cut off the power supply and airflow.

Post time: Aug-23-2021